Using HubSpot's Contact Properties Effectively for Better Segmentation and Targeting

Using HubSpot's Contact Properties Effectively for Better Segmentation and Targeting

Contact properties are an important part of your lead management strategy. They allow you to segment leads into specific groups and target them with personalized content. This is especially helpful when you're trying to get in front of people who have similar needs, like large companies looking for enterprise contracts or small businesses that need help with small tasks like billing or invoicing. Contact properties can also be used for upsells and cross-sells, which means they have the potential to increase your revenue.

What is a contact property?

Contact properties are a way to add data to contacts in HubSpot. They're used for segmentation and targeting, but they can also be used for other things like creating custom lists or sending email campaigns.

There are many different types of default contact properties:

  • Email address
  • Name
  • Company name
  • Job title (e.g., "Marketing Manager")

If you want to use some custom contact properties for various activities, i.e. email marketing automation, you'll need to create them first in your account settings under "Contact Data."

Why are contact properties useful for segmentation and targeting?

Contact properties are useful for segmentation and targeting because they allow you to create more precise segments and target them with specific messaging. For example, if someone has signed up for a webinar in the past, there's a good chance that person is interested in learning more about HubSpot marketing tools or services. If this is true for most people who have signed up for webinars (and we think it is), then it makes sense to use contact properties as an indicator of interest when creating your segments.

You can also use contact properties as filters on your lists so that only those contacts who match certain criteria will be shown on the list. For example, if I want only customers who live outside of California or Florida because they tend not to convert well into leads at this point in time due my limited resources available right now while working full-time during evenings/weekends only before moving back full-time later next year after selling off some assets so we don't lose momentum by focusing too much attention elsewhere

How to use multiple properties in segmentation and targeting scenarios

You can use multiple properties in segmentation and targeting scenarios. For example, you could create a segment of contacts who have both purchased from your company and engaged with an email campaign. Then, target that segment with an ad promoting your latest product or service offering.

You can also use properties as filters in campaigns to target specific groups of contacts based on their contact data (for example: "only show this ad to people who have purchased from us").

Use Contact Properties for Better Lead Scoring

HubSpot's Contact Properties are a great way to score leads. The more you know about your contacts, the better you can target them with content and campaigns. Here are some ways you can use contact properties for lead scoring:

  • Score leads based on their likelihood of converting (i.e., becoming customers). You can use this information to send out specific messages that will help move them along the sales funnel toward making a purchase decision.
  • Score leads based on their likelihood of becoming customers based on the stage they're in (i.e., if they're just getting started with HubSpot or have already been using it for some time). This will allow you to tailor your messaging accordingly so as not to overwhelm new users with too much information all at once--and keep experienced ones interested by showing them how much more there is still left for them learn about using HubSpot effectively within their business processes!

Use Contact Properties for Increased Conversion Rates and Upsells

Contact properties are a powerful way to segment your contacts, and they can be used in many different ways.

  • Use contact properties to create more relevant offers. If you have a B2B SaaS product that helps companies manage their sales pipeline, you might want to target customers who have recently signed up for your service with an offer related to the specific stage of their pipeline (e.g., "Sell More with Our Sales Management Software"). You can use contact properties like Lead Status (Leads) or Industry (Industry) to segment your list by these criteria and send out targeted campaigns accordingly.
  • Use contact properties for increased conversion rates and upsells: You may also want to use contact properties as part of an A/B test where one group gets one message while another group gets another message--but both groups share certain characteristics in common (e.g., both contain people who work at small businesses). This way, if there's no difference between two types of messages or offers based on industry type alone then perhaps something else matters more than what industry type means?

How can I use HubSpot's form fields to improve my segmentation and targeting strategies?

Contact properties are a great way to segment your contacts and target them for specific marketing campaigns. For example, if you want to send a different email message to each of the three types of leads in your sales funnel (new, warm and hot), you can use contact fields as filters to send each group its own email campaign. This is especially helpful when it comes to lead scoring: HubSpot's Lead Score feature takes into account many different factors when determining which contacts are ready for sales or not--so using contact properties as filters can help determine which leads should be prioritized over others in terms of nurturing efforts.

For conversion rate optimization purposes, using form fields as segmentation tools can help increase conversions by ensuring that only relevant content gets sent out via email campaigns--and ultimately helps increase revenue per customer acquisition cost (CAC). In addition, using form fields allows marketers to better understand which customers are most likely going through their sales process so they know where their focus should lie when creating new products or services that might appeal specifically towards those individuals' needs (e., upselling).

HubSpot offers many ways to use contact properties for segmentation and targeting purposes, leading to better customer engagement and revenue.

HubSpot offers many ways to use contact properties for segmentation and targeting purposes, leading to better customer engagement and revenue.

Contact properties are an important part of your marketing strategy because they allow you to segment your audience based on the information they give you about themselves. You can then target these segments with specific messages that are relevant to their interests or needs. For example, if someone fills out the "What Is Your Job Title?" field with "Marketer," then any emails sent from HubSpot will automatically go into their inboxes as opposed to being filtered by spam filters or getting lost in someone else's inbox because they didn't fill out this particular field correctly (which happens more often than one might think).


HubSpot Contact Properties are a powerful tool for segmentation and targeting. They allow you to create segments based on specific criteria such as location or job title, as well as personalize your marketing campaigns based on these properties. You can also use them in conjunction with form fields like "Company Name" or "Phone Number", which will help drive upsells and conversions by allowing customers to enter their information directly into the right fields before submitting an inquiry or request for quote (RFQ).

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